Dr. Diplom- Psychologin C. Eberl
Motivation & Ziel
Mein Motivator als Psychologische Psychotherapeutin ist es, Menschen in schwierigen Lebensphasen und -situationen zu unterstützen diese zu verstehen und zu überwinden.
Mein persönlicher Anspruch ist dabei gemeinsam mit dem Patienten Ansätze zur individuellen Lösung akuter Problemsituationen zu entwickeln und Strategien zur langfristigen Verbesserung der Lebenssituation abzuleiten.
Durch meine Dozententätigkeiten an Hochschulen und Weiterbildungsinstituten möchte ich die gewonnene Erfahrung aus der Praxis an junge Kolleginnen und Kollegen weitergeben, um die Versorgungssituation, insbesondere qualitativ, zu verbessern.
seit 2022 | Psychotherapeutin in der Psychotherapiepraxis Dr. Eberl – Mering |
seit 2015 | Dozentin und Supervisorin am Institute für Forschung und Therapie München (IFT) |
seit 2013 – 2022 | Psychotherapeutin in der Psychotherapiepraxis Dr. Eberl – Dachau-Karlsfeld |
seit 2013 | Dozentin in der Verhaltenstherapieausbildung am salus institut für Verhaltenstherapie (SIV) |
2013 | Psychotherapeutin in der Psychotherapiepraxis München |
2012 bis 2014 | Dozentin für Verhaltenstherapie, pädagogische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie an der H:G Hochschule für Gesundheit & Sport, Technik & Kunst |
2007 bis 2013 | Bezugstherapeutin in der salus klinik Lindow |
2014 | Promotion an der Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen mit dem thematischen Schwerpunkt impliziter Prozesse in der Psychopathologie. |
2013 bis 2015 | Ausbildung zur Supervisorin am IFT-Gesundheitsförderung unter Leitung von Frau Dipl.-Psych. Bettina Lohmann. Annerkannte Ausbildung durch den Deutschen Fachverband für Verhaltenstherapie e.V. (DVT). |
2011 | Approbation zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin und Eintragung ins Arztregister |
2007 bis 2011 | Psychotherapieausbildung am salus institut für Verhaltenstherapie (SIV) in Lindow |
2002 bis 2007 | Studium der Psychologie mit Abschluss als Diplom-Psychologin an der TU Dresden – Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften – Fachrichtung Psychologie |
Förderpreis Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Die Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie zeichnete Frau Dr. Eberl 2013 mit demFörderpreis Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie aus. Der Förderpreis unterstützt Forscher mit herausragend innovativen Ansätzen im Bereich der Grundlagen- bzw. Anwendungsforschung des Fachgebiets Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Dr. Eberl wurde der Preis für die Forschung am Approach-Avoidance Task Training, einem neuartigen Training für die Modifizierung maladaptiver Verhaltenstendenzen, verliehen.
Mediation of Cognitive Bias Modification for Alcohol Addiction via Stimulus-Specific Alcohol Avoidance Association (2015)
Abstract: Cognitive bias modification (CBM) studies have provided evidence that cognitive biases play a causal role in alcohol use disorders. In this study, data from a CBM experiment in alcoholic patients were re-analyzed. In the original study, no mediation by associations measured with an Implicit Association Test (IAT) was found. In this study, we explored the possibility that relevant alcohol-related automatic processes may be cue-specific. Data from a previous clinical study in a sample of 214 alcohol-addicted patients were re-analyzed. Patients were assigned to a CBM intervention or control condition, performed an alcohol-approach IAT, and were followed up for relapse data a year after training. In this study, bias scores measured via the IAT were calculated and analyzed separately for different stimulus categories: Alcohol, Soft drink, Approach, and Avoid. Training reversed the alcohol-approach bias for all categories. This reversal of bias also predicted reduced relapse, but involved a complex stimulus category-dependent pattern in which an avoidance bias for Alcohol stimuli was most predictive of reduced relapse. The results contribute to evidence that CBM indeed affects relapse probability via changes in automatic processes, although future study is needed to determine the precise nature of mediating processes. Automatic processes underlying alcohol-related associations may be stimulus-specific, which may be important for the methods of future studies involving implicit measures.
Gladwin, T. E., Rinck, M., Eberl, C., Becker, E. S., Lindenmeyer, J., & Wiers, R. W. (2015). Mediation of Cognitive Bias Modification for Alcohol Addiction via Stimulus-Specific Alcohol Avoidance Association. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(1), 101-107. doi: 10.1111/acer.12602.
Implicit Processes in Psychopathology: Exploring their Relevance for Prediction and for Treatment Improvement (2014)
Abstract: Paradox behavior is a frequent phenomenon in psychiatric disorders – often it is even an element of the diagnostic criteria: Alcohol dependent patients drink despite negative consequences, depressed patients withdraw from social contact despite feeling sad when alone, and patients with anxiety disorders fear and avoid certain places or objects, although they know that they are harmless. In the past decades research made tremendous progress in the understanding and treatment of people affected by mental disorders in general. Despite this success in understanding and explaining mental disorders, paradox behavior remains a challenge for researchers, clinical professionals, and patients themselves. This may be due to the fact that the methods most widely used in psychotherapy research, such as questionnaires, interviews and behavioral observations, mostly focus on rational reasoning, which may be insufficient for explaining paradox behavior. Thus latest research has focused on processes outside of our awareness and deliberate control. These processes are called implicit processes. Implicit processes have been characterized as automatic processes (De Houwer, 2006), being difficult to control, occurring unintentionally and effortlessly (Moors and De Houwer, 2006). They contribute to explaining and treating irrational aspects of psychiatric disorders. In the first chapter of this thesis on implicit processes in psychopathology, a short introduction to duals process models will be presented explaining how implicit processes help to understand paradox behavior. Furthermore, a short literature overview will be presented on how implicit processes are biased in psychopathological sampels. The current state of research will be outlined concerning attempts to use implicit processes as predictors for behavior, symptoms and treatment outcome, and as targets of change, also referred to as cognitive bias modification. Studies presented in this thesis will be associated to the presented context of research.
Eberl, C., 2014. Implicit Processes in Psychopathology: Exploring their Relevance for Prediction and for Treatment Improvement. Ph.D. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Abrufbar unter: <http://repository.ubn.ru.nl/handle/2066/133201> [Abgerufen am: 09.12.2015]. ISBN: 9789462593077.
Implementation of Approach Bias Re-Training in Alcoholism-How Many Sessions are Needed? (2014)
Abstract: Computerized cognitive bias modification (CBM) programs have generated promising results regarding the treatment of alcohol dependence and anxiety disorders. However, there is hardly any research yet on the implementation of alcohol-CBM into clinical practice. This article addresses the question of the optimal number of training sessions for a specific form of CBM: approach bias re-training in alcohol-dependent patients. Participants were 111 alcohol-dependent patients of an inpatient rehabilitation clinic. In addition to treatment as usual, they took part in a 12-session CBM protocol, aimed at re-training alcohol approach tendencies, with an adapted Alcohol Approach–Avoidance Task. Learning curves and 2-level fitted mean trends were analyzed. Furthermore, parameters of the fitted mean trend and information on the most effective number of training sessions were used to predict 1-year follow-up data. Two-level analyses revealed 6 training sessions to be the mean optimum, yet many patients improve further after that. Prediction of the individual optimum (speed of response) and parameters of the fitted mean trends failed. The linear term of the graph describing the mean trend of training effects, but not the speed of response, predicted 1-year follow-up data.
Suggestions for practical implementations of CBM are discussed.
Eberl, C., Wiers, R. W., Pawelczack, S., Rinck, M., Becker, E. S., & Lindenmeyer, J. (2014). Implementation of Approach Bias Re-Training in Alcoholism-How Many Sessions are Needed? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(2), 587-594. doi: 10.1111/acer.12281.
Approach bias modification in alcohol dependence: Do clinical effects replicate and for whom does it work best? (2013)
Abstract: Alcoholism is a progressive neurocognitive developmental disorder. Recent evidence shows that computerized training interventions (Cognitive Bias Modification, CBM) can reverse some of these maladaptively changed neurocognitive processes. A first clinical study of a CBM, called alcohol-avoidance training, found that trained alcoholic patients showed less relapse at one-year follow-up than control patients. The present study tested the replication of this result, and questions about mediation and moderation. 509 alcohol-dependent patients received treatment as usual (primarily Cognitive Behavior Therapy) inpatient treatment. Before and after treatment, the implicit approach bias was measured with the Alcohol Approach-Avoidance Task. Half of the patients were randomly assigned to CBM, the other half received treatment as usual only. Background variables, psychopathology and executive control were tested as possible moderating variables of CBM. One year after treatment, follow-up data about relapse were collected. The group receiving CBM developed alcohol-avoidance behavior and reported significantly lower relapse rates at one-year follow-up. Change in alcohol-approach bias mediated this effect. Moderation analyses demonstrated that older patients and patients with a strong approach-bias at pretest profited most from CBM. CBM is a promising treatment add-on in alcohol addiction and may counter some of the maladaptive neurocognitive effects of long-term alcoholism.
Eberl, C., Wiers, R. W., Pawelczack, S., Rinck, M., Becker, E. S., & Lindenmeyer, J. (2013). Approach bias modification in alcohol dependence: Do clinical effects replicate and for whom does it work best? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 4, 38-51. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2012.11.002.
Wem hilft der Joystick? Bei welchen alkoholabhängigen Patienten kann die Rückfallwahrscheinlichkeit durch ein pc-gestütztes Vermeidungstraining anhaltend gesenkt werden? (2011)
Abstract: Fragestellung: In 2 randomisiert kontrollierten Studien konnte die Rückfallrate bei Alkoholabhängigen durch ein PC-gestütztes Alkohol-Vermeidungstraining langfristig signifikant gesenkt werden. Die Daten wurden posthoc daraufhin untersucht, welche Alkoholpatienten besonders von diesem Training profitieren konnten. Probanden: 447 Alkoholabhängige in einer 3-monatigen, stationären Entwöhnungsbehandlung. 75,2% Männer und 24,8% Frauen, mittleres Alter 45,5J. Procedere: Die Probanden wurden zufallsbedingt auf eine Treatment- und eine Kontrollgruppe verteilt. Das Computertraining umfasste 6 Sitzungen à 15 Minuten mit jeweils 220 Trainingsdurchgängen. Die Probanden hatten die Aufgabe, Bilder von alkoholischen Getränken auf dem Bildschirm mit Hilfe eines Joysticks möglichst schnell wegdrücken und nicht-alkoholische Getränke möglichst rasch zu sich heranziehen. Zur Ermittlung der langfristigen Trainingseffekte wurde eine 1-Jahres Katamnese (DGSS 4) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Das Training war langfristig besonders effektiv bei über 40-jährigen Patienten sowie bei Patienten mit geringer, subjektiv erlebter Depressivität. Bei jüngeren Patienten bzw. bei hoher, subjektiv erlebter Depressivität ließ sich dagegen keine langfristige Wirksamkeit nachweisen. Die über 40-jährigen Patienten wiesen im Vergleich zu jüngeren Patienten eine geringere kognitiver Kontrolle sowie niedrigere Werte in expliziten Messinstrumenten zur Alkoholproblematik auf. All diese Variablen konnten als Prädiktor für die Wirksamkeit des Trainings bestätigt werden. Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick: Die Ergebnisse lassen sich dahingehend interpretieren, dass das PC-gestützte Alkohol-Vermeidungstraining besonders effektiv bei jenen Patienten ist, bei denen sich die Alkoholproblematik im Sinne eines Habits unabhängig vom subjektiven Erleben der Betroffenen und losgelöst von einer psychischen Funktionalität automatisiert hat. Diese Spezifitätshypothese wird in prospektiven Studien überprüft.
Lindenmeyer, J., Eberl, C., Pawelczak, S., Wiers, R., Becker, E., & Rinck, M. (2011). Wem hilft der Joystick? – Bei welchen alkoholabhängigen Patienten kann die Rückfallwahrscheinlichkeit durch ein pc-gestütztes Vermeidungstraining anhaltend gesenkt werden? Suchttherapie, 12(S 01). doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1284623.
Retraining Automatic Action Tendencies Changes Alcoholic Patients’ Approach Bias for Alcohol and Improves Treatment Outcome (2011)
Abstract: This study tested the effects of a new cognitive-bias modification (CBM) intervention that targeted an approach bias for alcohol in 214 alcoholic inpatients. Patients were assigned to one of two experimental conditions, in which they were explicitly or implicitly trained to make avoidance movements (pushing a joystick) in response to alcohol pictures, or to one of two control conditions, in which they received no training or sham training. Four brief sessions of experimental CBM preceded regular inpatient treatment. In the experimental conditions only, patients’ approach bias changed into an avoidance bias for alcohol. This effect generalized to untrained pictures in the task used in the CBM and to an Implicit Association Test, in which alcohol and soft-drink words were categorized with approach and avoidance words. Patients in the experimental conditions showed better treatment outcomes a year later. These findings indicate that a short intervention can change alcoholics’ automatic approach bias for alcohol and may improve treatment outcome.
Wiers, R. W., Eberl, C., Rinck, M., Becker, E. S., & Lindenmeyer, J. (2011). Retraining automatic action tendencies changes alcoholic patients‘ approach bias for alcohol and improves treatment outcome. Psychological Science, 22(4), 490-497. doi: 10.1177/0956797611400615.